welsberg taistneralm
welsberg taistneralm

Alpe di Tesido

Both for visitors and inhabitants, the Alpe di Tesido is one of the most popular excursion destination in the municipality

High above the village of Tesido, at 2,015 m a.s.l., there is the Alpe di Tesido, which is not only a popular excursion destination for inhabitants, but also a must-see for visitors. The Malga di Tesido is located at the foot of the Roda di Scandole, the local mountain of Tesido. The alpine landscape is accessible via several routes and catches your sight by a carpet of mountain flowers.

The Alpe di Tesido can be reached from the Mudler Hof farm, the group of farmsteads Haspa in the north east of Tesido and from the village of Tesido. The most popular hike in this area is the walk of the three summits Monte Luta, Monte Salomone and Roda di Scandole, which in winter can be done as snow-shoeing tour.

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