Tuesday 5 December 17:00
Wednesday 6 December 17:00

St. Nicholas and Krampus Show

2 dates
from Tuesday, 5 December 2023
to Wednesday, 6 December 2023

This event already took place.


Monguelfo, main square
Heimatbühne Welsberg,
+39 0474 978436
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On Tuesday, December 5, people meet at 5 pm. for a get-together at the mulled wine stand on the Hauptplatz (main square). The Krampusse parade through the village and provide many a frightening experience. On Wednesday, December 6, at around 5.30 pm., St. Nicholas welcomes the children with a little surprise on the Hauptplatz. Mulled wine stand. Krampus-free zone until 6 pm. Krampus show with various Krampus groups at 7 pm.

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