Friday 8 March 10:30 - 14:30
Friday 15 March 10:30 - 14:30

Guided snowshoe hike in Rodeneck


Beginning: 10:30

End: 14:30

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2 dates
from Friday, 8 March 2024
to Friday, 15 March 2024

This event already took place.


Rodengo, meeting point: Zumis car park
Outdoorcenter Gitschberg Jochtal,
+39 0472 886048,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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Well equipped you can walk through snowy valleys, mountain pastures or fair winter forests. You can discover the beautiful winter landscape of the Pustertal valley choosing your own track. Snow shoes are suitable for (almost) anyone and any age group. Experience this special way of walking.

This walk on the rolling high plateau of the Rodenecker-Lüsner Alp affords a gorgeous view of the valley and the Dolomites. It involves an altitude gain of 200 metres.

With Almencard: € 25 with equipment (snowshoes and hiking sticks)
With museumobil Card: € 50 with equipment (snowshoes and hiking sticks)

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