Sunday 3 March 09:00 - 15:00

Raiffeisen Slopestyle Tour 2024


Beginning: 09:00

End: 15:00

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Riscone, Plan de Corones
Skirama Kronplatz,
340 7707412,
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The freestyle sport will be capitalized again this year in South Tyrol. The Slopestyle Tour is of course part of it. For four years now, the tour has been the platform for the official national championships in the discipline of slopestyle, which has assured it some prestige and the attention of the media throughout the country. Also this year, in addition to the tour prizes, the national title in the supreme discipline will be fought for.

On March 3, 2024 the time has finally come. The third stage of the Raiffeisen Slopestyle Tour will take place at Kronplatz.

9.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. Training
10.15 a.m. Ridersmeeting
10.30 a.m. Contest
2 p.m. Prize giving ceremony

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